Ecopoint’s newest LED lighting product, a tube which features DALI Dimmable
technology, is already proving to be a popular choice with commercial landlords
and building owners who are looking to ‘green’ their buildings and slash their
energy and maintenance costs.Mining and Resource giant BHP Billiton are the
anchor tenants in the building, which offers premium office space. In keeping
with the energy efficient qualities of led flood light, and DALI in particular, 171
Collins Street is a sustainably designed building that is officially registered
with the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA).
DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface, and is the standard
for controllable lighting systems. Ecopoint’s H-series DALI dimmable tubes
feature intelligent brightness tracing and breakdown feedback. They are
appropriate for use in office, retail, educational, commercial and industrial
settings; for new builds or upgrades of existing DALI installations.Paul Wilton,
Ecopoint’s founder and director, said: “DALI technology is one of the most
advanced forms of energy efficient lighting technology. This technology is
amazing – it is intelligent and has the ability to automatically control and dim
each light when it senses that there is enough natural, ambient light coming
from an alternative source, like a nearby window.
“It simply cannot be overstated how important this development is; the
integration of light harvesting technology with an LED lighting solution. The
potential savings that can be generated through a light that automatically dims
itself when it is not needed are significant.”
Ecopoint’s H-Series tube range is a direct replacement for the traditionally
used but power hungry T8 fluorescent tube. Ecopoint’s tubes are simple to
retrofit and once installed, offer energy savings of up to 70%. Installing an
Ecopoint LED tube will save you money through lower energy costs, while its
long life will generate cost savings through reduced maintenance. The light
generated is also flicker free and turns on instantly.We are really excited that
we are have a product like this, and we are delighted with the response to it
already. DALI dimmable technology is truly amazing and when used with an led high bay light solution, represents one of the most energy efficient lighting
solutions on the market. It is just a matter of time before other businesses
catch on and follow BHP’s lead,” Paul Wilton said.
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