The best way to lead is by example.” That is why Everlight took the task of completely retrofitting its headquarters with Everlight manufactured 2’ x 2’ LED T5 OL-Deluxe Lighting fixtures. The first stage of this process began in March, 2008, replacing fluorescent lighting in all production levels of the building. By the end of the second stage in October, 2008, all 7 floors of the environmentally friendly headquarters were successfully retrofitted with over 1000 units of the Everlight 2’ x 2’ LED T5 OL-Deluxe Lighting fixtures. Not only has this endeavor proved that Solid State Lighting is here but has also publicly demonstrated Everlight LED advantages - sufficient and uniform light output, high CRI of >75%, significant power savings, and virtual obsolescing of replacements and maintenance.
It is a good idea to use LED lighting to replace the traditional CCFL lighting in our office setting.It has improved the lighting environment as well as decreased our power consumption rate,” said Vic Li, an employee of Everlight Headquarters, Taipei, Taiwan. “Now we are trying our best to educate more of the population on the necessity of LED lighting systems and being a partner of environmental protection. It is those who see a true need and embrace it that truly make a difference.This nanotechnology breakthrough enables us to make LEDs of any color without requiring complex electronic controls, liberating the end-user or designer to dream up many new applications,” stated Clint Ballinger, CEO of Evident Technologies. “The limitations of designing a product around the existing, traditional colored LED are removed.
Applications that could utilize this new product line include signage to make specific brand colors, LCD backlights to increase display color ranges, and high color rendered white LEDs in a wide range of color temperatures. The new products are available in lamp-type or surface mounted LED packages.As the world becomes increasingly mindful of the need to conserve energy, LED use has grown tremendously,” said Dave Duncan, COO Evident Technologies. “Now we are bringing new colors to these efficient light sources.