
decided to import this time are equipped with indicator

The LED Superstar Classic A 40 advanced and the reflector lamp LED Superstar PAR 16 50 36° advanced were able to convince the jury with regard to functionality, innovation, product benefits, design and ecology, and were declared Trend Products of the Year 2013.This includes LED lamps in the traditional bulb form as well as LED reflector lamps.The broad portfolio, which will be offered Europe-wide, makes it possible for consumers to use an LED lamp for virtually every application.

The LifeCare initiative confers the Home & Trend Award, which is now in its third year, to provide consumers with assistance when choosing products. Together with other award winning products, the Osram LED lamps will be on display at this year’s Tendence consumer goods fair.Ypsilanti will purchase 505 new LED streetlight as it continues an effort to replace all high-pressure sodium and mercury-vapor streetlights in the city. The Ypsilanti City Council voted unanimously to approve the purchase on July 23.

The move also was the next step in the city’s effort to establish a special assessment streetlight district that would impose a flat fee on residents and businesses to pay the city’s DTE bill and conversion to LED lighting. The city is anxious to convert the lighting in the coming months because it is one of the first cities in the state to complete a full conversion. Because of that, DTE is offering the bulbs and installation at a reduced rate.

Toshiba Lighting technology will offer LED lighting solution with indicator to the Higashi-Kanagawa Station of JR in Yokohama, Kanagawa. Yokohama line and Keihin Tohoku line use the Higashi-Kanagawa Station in different time. The LED lighting devices JR decided to import this time are equipped with indicator, which suggests passengers with the same color with the train line that which train will arrive or depart in the following time.

