
the weak demand for rare earth from overseas markets is due to prices curbing

There have been no revolutionary technological breakthroughs in the applications of rare earth minerals. This in turns reduces the possibility for explosive growth in demand for rare earth. He believes that the weak demand for rare earth from overseas markets is due to prices curbing and also from technical bottlenecking caused by natural decrease.In the context of a weak downstream, China’s rare earth raw material supply position was again looked at with importance. Since the 1990’s, after the closing of led flood light. of America’s (Molycorp) rare earth production line, China in the world’s rare earth supply ratio stabilized at 90 percent and above. While according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s investigation, China’s rare earth reserves made up 36 percent of the world’s total reserves, but have been declining.
After 2009, due to China’s rare earth industry consolidation and environmental management, the world’s rare earth supply diversification began accelerating. According to the U.S. TMR company’s tracking research, in recent years the 261 companies in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, Brazil, Vietnam, Mongolia, South Africa, Russia and other 37 countries have engaged in 429 rare earth projects. However, currently with the vast majority of these companies still in the exploration stage due to decline in rare earth prices, the progress of these projects have experienced differing degrees of impact.
By comparing data, it is clear that in 2013 the entire global market for rare earth might have a shortage in supply. However, after 2014 there will be a reverse of this situation. Consumer businesses can seek comfort in the diversified supply channels. Western rare earth production capacity proportions are increasing,” said managing director of Metal-Pages Nigel Tunna.

A member of a group of experts at the National Development and Reform Commission and a senior professional engineer at China led high bay light Engineering Corporation, Zeng Tianyuan proposed that if China set its rare earth supply at 70 percent, this would stabilize China’s industry and satisfy world demand. “The positive of 70 percent capacity is the reasonable price for Chinese and overseas rare earth industries which will promote stabilization in the market.”

you can read more:http://ledtunnel.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-aspect-of-ion-from-southern-china.html

