
full chip production capacity is supplied to the internal product chain

As the penetration of LED TV will reach 90% this year, it is expected that LED TV demand will enter the naturally growing market, the demand growth rate of backlight is not as great as before from 2014 to 2015, the era that LED TV backlight grow rapidly will soon be over, so Led flood light industry began targeting LED lighting market, and manufacturers from Taiwan and mainland have revealed news about expanding capacity in this year.Mainland chip manufacturers such as Sanan, Silan and Aucksun have been reported to expand chip production capacity, Sanan have announced to increase capital of 3.3 billion Yuan, about 2.8 billion Yuan will be invested to restart the 2nd project in Wuhu and the rest will be used to supplement working capital. In terms of that Sanan has 141 units of 2-inch MOCVD machines (effective capacity approximately 130 units), when the newly added capacity is fully put into operation, production capacity of Sanan will double.

Taiwan chip manufacturers has not lagged behind mainland chip makers in expanding capacity, Epistar will expand production capacity at least 25% this year, it has increased capacity more than 10% since this year, and the expansion behavior is still ongoing, but Epistar said that its production capacity has already been fully utilized, the expansion aims to adapt to market demand.Lextar also starts expanding chip production capacity in succession at the Suzhou plant this year, in view of that it has 70 to 80 sets of MOCVD machines, it is also expected to add about one-third of production capacity, but because the company operates in the one-stop production model, full chip production capacity is supplied to the internal product chain.

At the end of last year,YAHAM Lighting offered WSU an LED high bay fixture that is commonly used for warehouse applications. The university's energy team measured its distribution of light, dimming capabilities, and net change in weight. After a series of test and review, a total of 80 fixtures were installed at the Dee Events Center to replace the Led high bay light fixtures. The new LED high bay lighting produces more than 200 foot candles.The original lighting produced dim spots on the court, and foot candles ranged from 60-150 depending on location.

